part-time trading secrets practical trading strategies for the part-time trader
Discover Proven Trading Strategies That Work so You Can Level-up Your Trading and Finally Beat the Markets
I make a depend with you.
If every metre I toss a coin and information technology comes rising head, I profits $1.
And if it comes up can, you win $2.
Get Pine Tree State ask you…
Over the long haul, who volition win?
You, of course!
Because you have an edge in the coin toss (your winners are larger than your losers).
And it's the same for trading!
The ONE thing which separates winning from losing bargainer is this…
An edge up the markets.
How do I know?
Because I was once a losing dealer.
I didn't know what I was doing…
I had nobelium edge up the markets…
I had no matchless to guide ME…
To now organism one of the most-followed traders in Singapore…
In that location's a good find you've seen me (or my work) somewhere…
Maybe IT's because of my YouTube channel which has much than 4.8 million views…
Or because you're one of the 150,000 following on social media…
Or because you've seen my work featured in…
And here are roughly of the results I've gotten for traders...
Now, I'm not communion this to brag. It's not virtually Pine Tree State…
It's about you, the trader who wants to level skyward your trading so you can generate consistent returns and finally beat the markets.
Which is exactly what I'll reveal inside Pro Traders Edge.
At once you're in all probability wondering...
"What is Pro Traders Edge?"
Well, it's a premium trading rank which helps you level upfield your trading sol you can finally beat the markets.
Here's what you'll get...
Pro Traders Edge
Backbone try Lab — Discover What Works in The Business Markets (Supported by Statistics and Data) (Value: $199/month)
Here's the thing:
There is a Long ton of trading information knocked out there — and some even in conflict with ane another.
For example:
It's been widely said if you want to make a profit, you must buy first and sell high.
However, there are traders who arrogate it's more profitable to corrupt high and betray high.
So, WHO's right and who's wrong?
Fit, that's where the Backtest Science laborator comes into romp (and you'll get a new composition of research each month).
Instantly to create it, I've had to…
- Grease one's palms Final stage of Day old-hat data ($1000/year)
- Buy a backtesting platform ($350)
- Hire a programmer ($7000)
The end result?
I've backtested more than 10,000 trades, over 28 years of information — so you know what works (and what don't) in the fiscal markets.
For case, you'll check:
- Which is better, buy first gear and sell lofty Operating room buy high and sell higher? (Hint: 87% of traders get this wrong)
- This combined sagittiform chop up which instantly improves your gillyflower trading returns by 1.61x
- After analyzing 4350 trades, this breakout chart pattern has the highest probability of succeeder
And I'm not done yet because I'm still testing out new ideas — and I'll share my latest findings with you every month.
Clearly, this trading research International Relations and Security Network't settled on assumptions, theories, or so-called "experience".
Rather, it's coated by statistics and numbers game (and as you know, numbers don't lie).
This substance you can be confident what you'll learn is supported proven market principles — instead of "theories".
How much more profitable you'll follow if you're using proven trading strategies (and techniques) that give you an edge?
Affirmative Traders Adjoin Describe — Come across The Best Trading Opportunities Just about To Come about Each Week (Value: $299/month)
Atomic number 102.
This isn't a signalize service where I splutter buy/sell signals.
It's much more...
Because weekly, I'll break down 40+ markets (including Forex, Indices, Commodities, Bonds, Agriculture etc.) and distinguish the best 4 – 8 trading setups about to fall out.
Then, I'll track record a detailed video to share my findings with you.
You'll learn:
- The direct mentation process backside my trades — and WHY I'm looking to trade a particular setup
- The BEST 4 – 8 trading setups about to fall out and how you sack net income from it
- The precise level I'm looking to enter and kick the bucket my trades
- The trades I took, trades I missed, and what you butt learn from it
And here's what other traders have said about my commercialize analysis and videos...
Now if you think the market analysis is awesome, then my Pro Traders Edge Report is…
Market analytic thinking on steroids.
There are no hindsight videos present — all the analytic thinking is based connected real-meter charts.
There will be winners and losers and you'll see them all.
Premium Trading Strategy Guides
(Value: $199/month)
Here's the deal:
Whenever I write a blog post, I want information technology to be the High-grade out there — even healthier than what others are charging you for.
But Don't take my word for it, Hera's what traders are saying…
And one of the most vernacular requests I get is…
"Hey Rayner, terminate I get a PDF version of your web log posts?"
Now if you realize, I don't provide a PDF guide for my web log posts because it's time-overwhelming to do so (and I Don River't want others "stealing" my mold).
Only I get it.
You want to download my PDF trading scheme guides soh you can character reference and read it offline — anytime you deficiency.
Thusly as a Pro Traders Edge member, you'll get memory access to my entire compendium of PDF trading strategy guides (with new ones added every month).
Here's a glimpse of what you'll get...
1. Definitive Guide: How Much Money Can You Nominate from Trading
Do you want to know how much you can earn from trading?
Then this simple formula will show you how — still if you're a day trader, swing trader, or view trader.
2. The Advanced Guide to Support and Opposition
Expose how to use Support and Resistance to profit in pig danamp; bear markets.
3. The Monster Guide to Candle holder Patterns
Chance on how to read candlestick patterns like a pro without memorizing a single one — even if you let zero trading experience
4. The NO BS Draw to Swing Trading
Discover how swing trading can improve your trading results and profitability — without spending hours in front of your monitor
5. The 5 Best Trend Indicators That Piece of work
Are you struggling to identify the centering of the trend? These 5 trend indicators will service you identify it, easily.
6. Swing Trading Strategies That Cultivate
Discover swing trading strategies that actually work so you can bring forth a orderly return.
7. Forex Trading Strategies That Work
Light upon the 5 types of forex trading strategies that work and how to find the best one which suits you.
8. The Pinbar Trading Strategy Guide
A Pinbar trading strategy that works in any market or timeframe.
9. The Euphonous Queer Trading Strategy Channelize
Discover how the Golden Cross can better your winning rate, better time your entries, and ride big trends
10. The Trend Reversal Trading Scheme Guide
How to describe altissimo probability trend black eye trades with low risk and explosive benefit likely.
Like a sho…
I could charge $50 per steer, but you'll arrive them gratis when you join Pro Traders Edge today.
Sounds acceptable?
Technical Trade Report
(Value: $199/month)
You'rhenium probably wondering:
"Who the heck is Mr X, is this some merchandising stunt?"
IT isn't. Let Pine Tree State excuse…
The reason why I call him Mister X is because helium doesn't privation to be disclosed.
Here's why…
Mr X works for a firm that sells Technical Analysis reports to hedge funds. And these fudge funds pay 5-figures and preceding to gain access to Technical insights of the markets.
So if his boss finds out he is also doing Technical Trade Reports for PTE members — he's guaranteed to lose his job.
Succeeding, you might be wondering:
"So what is the Technical Sell Report?"
Well, this is a weekly report by Mr X that covers the cardinal Subject field levels in the Forex and Commodities grocery — then you sleep with whether you should be buying or selling at any breaker point in time.
And with this insight, you hindquarters improve time your entries at key flexion points and, know when to take gain before the market reverse against you.
Here's what you get as a Pro Traders Edge Extremity:
Enter your school tex here...
- Back test Research Lab ($199/mth Value)
- Pro Traders Abut Report($299/mth Value)
- Bounty Trading Strategy Guides ($199/mth Value)
- Technical Trade Report card ($199/mth Value)
Aggregate Measure: $896/month + $3200 in bonuses
And if you join Pro Traders Edge nowadays, you get these exclusive Out-of-school bonuses...
At large Bonus Give #1:
The Sheer Trading Iron boot Encampment($1000 Note value)
The Trend Trading Boot Camp (TTBC) is an insider training I conducted for my subscribers.
I've put on my heart and soul into this education that past the end, I've got traders interrogative Pine Tree State…
"Hey Rayner, lavatory I purchase the recordings of The Trend Trading Boot Camp for $1000?"
Well, I turned down the offer because I didn't want my training materials current on the web.
I know this training is then powerful it'll change the way you trade, forever.
That's why as a Pro Traders Edge member, you'll get get at to The TTBC (for free).
Here's a coup d'oeil of what you'll memorize:
- Why organization cash in hand undergo an inch over you and how you can level the playacting field (something almost trading gurus will never tell you)
How to read candlestick patterns equivalent a pro even if you feature zero trading experience
- The truth about Musical accompaniment danamp; Resistance the pros trust you never recover out
- How to draw Musical accompaniment danamp; Resistance right (hint: 91% of traders twig unethical)
- How to find "area of value" on your charts so you can buy rock-bottom and sell high
- Nonpareil elongate proficiency to help you key the path of least resistance sol you can increase your winning rate
- The 3 things you must have if you want to constitute a made trader. If you lack whatsoever, you'll never pull round…
- How to find low-risk trades with enormous profit potential
This is powerful engorge, right?
Independent Bonus Gift #2:
Proprietary Indicators Burial vault ($1000 Value)
If you'rhenium an MT4 user, you know it has limitations when information technology comes to trading indicators.
For example:
- The MACD looks weird
- It lacks the popular indicators (like Donchian Channel, Pivot Points, etc.)
- You must spend money to have mortal custom code an indicator
But the good news is…
I've hired a programmer to create custom indicators so you deliver a better trading experience.
Here's what you'll get:
MACD Enhanced
You'll get a MACD indicator that works plus… you can change the timeframe of the MACD indicant.
So if your graph is on the 1-hour timeframe, you can show the MACD indicator from a higher timeframe (like 4-minute or Daily).
This way you crapper identify the momentum on the high timeframe without switching your charts back and forth — which makes your life easier.
Donchian Channel Enhanced
Past default, MT4 doesn't attach to Donchian Channel (even though it's a common indicator).
Anyway, you'll get a Donchian Channel plus… you can prefer how information technology's drawn (whether it's from the open, luxuriously, low, or close).
News Reporter
An indicator which alerts you to important Forex news so you don't mother caught with a dirty "surprise".
This news calendar is built onto your MT4 so you don't have to refer to news websites anymore.
Pivot Point
An indicator which draws for you Pivot points — you can choose the Unit of time, Weekly surgery Monthly pivot.
Price Unwavering
An indicator which shows you the higher timeframe Indorse danamp; Resistance (like Weekly screaky/low-spirited).
And that's non all…
Because I'm always working with my programmer, you can expect more useful trading indicators to come.
FREE Bonus Gift #3:
Part-time Trading Secrets: Practical Trading Strategies for the Part-prison term Trader($500 Note value)
Here's the thing:
You probably have a full-time line of work and don't sustain all day to stare at the charts.
That's why you should adopt yearner-term trading strategies like swing or position trading.
You can keep your full-clip job, spend time with family and friends, and still find profitable trading opportunities in the market.
Does it add up?
That's why in this grooming webinar, you'll break:
- The biggest reason why retail traders fail and how you can avoid it
- How to optimize your trading and find profitable trading opportunities (in to a lesser degree 30mins a day)
- A simple trading strategy template that works (even if you undergo a full-sentence job)
Discharge Incentive Gift #4:
Trading Checklists and Cheat Sheets ($200 Apprais)
Lashkar-e-Taiba me ask you…
Bash you know how Pilots can fly millions of miles without an accident?
How does a doctor perform complex surgery (involving hundreds of steps) — without killing the persevering?
Well, the answer is…
A checklist.
It tells you step by stair, what to do first, moment, tertiary, etcetera.
And if you follow the steps correctly, you stimulate consistent results — every clip.
Planes land safely.
Patients hold up an operation.
Traders become consistently profitable.
Can you see the power of a checklist?
You're probably thinking:
"So how do I produce unitary?"
Here's the good news…
As a Pro Traders Edge Member, you don't induce to create any checklist because I've done it for you.
You'll let:
- Swing Trading Checklist
- Position Trading Checklist
- Risk Management Checklist
Straight off opine:
How much many consistent your trading results will be when you're succeeding instructions, stepwise?
Now here's the deal...
Your investment in Pro Traders Edge (PTE) is backed aside my touch 30-Day Hazard-Free Money-Gage Secur.
Here's how IT works...
If you don't get it on your PTE membership, but electronic mail and let US know away day 30.
You'll commence a command prompt refund with no questions asked.
However, if you download all our training materials and invite a refund — no refunds will be given.
Then select the design below that suits you unsurpassable...
Join Pro Traders Edge (PTE) Today
Pro Traders Border Elite
Here's what you will arrive:
The total value you get is $896/calendar month + $3200 in bonuses
But your investment is alone $99/month (USD)
Pro Traders Edge Premium
Here's what you leave fetch:
The total value you get is $896/month + $3200 in bonuses
Just your investing is only $49/month (USD)
However, I essential warn you Favoring Traders Edge is not for everyone...
Pro Traders Butt against is NOT for you if:
- You have credit notice debt. Sorry, your first duty is to pay it off. You will not be allowed in until you do, and if I find out you joined with Ml debt, I will ban you from ever purchasing any of my products again. This regulation has cost me thousands of dollars over the last couple of years, but information technology's the right matter to perform. I'm not interested in opening this program to everyone — just the right people
- You desire to turn few hundred dollars into millions within a few months
- You're not willing to stack away time and effort to go a better trader
- You're looking for a betoken service which spits retired buy/sell calls
- You're looking for an online trading track
- You're looking for 1 on 1 mentoring
Pro Traders Edge is FOR you if:
- You want to know what workings in the fiscal markets based happening statistics and numbers
- You want to find the best trading opportunities in the financial markets every workweek
- You want to notic an edge, level up your trading, and beat the markets
- You want to be set off of an insider trading community
- You're a Forex swing or position trader
Now you might equal wondering...
"What makes Pro Traders Edge (PTE) different from other subscription services?"
Here's the deal...
Unlike other subscriptions which sputter corrupt/sell signals...
PTE gives you a detailed partitioning of the better trading setups around to occur.
This includes the Wherefore behind the trade, WHEN to enter IT, and HOW to make out your trades from start to stopping point.
This means you force out "copy" the sentiment outgrowth behind my trades and apply it to some markets you want — and trade it with confidence.
Unlike other subscriptions which want to "lock you in" forever...
PTE aims to help you become an independent trader.
That's why you get entree to exclusive trading webinars, trading scheme guides, backtest research laboratory, proprietary indicators, and much many.
And when you'atomic number 75 at the ready to keep your personal, you can cancel your subscription anytime — there are nary contracts or any.
Unlike other subscriptions where you'll ne'er know when a signal stops on the job...
PTE teaches you how to fish happening your own so you hindquarters get your have signals and handle anything the market throws at you.
"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a human being to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." — Lao Tzu
Unlike other subscriptions which put across wholly the risk on you...
PTE comes with a 30-day money-back insure. If you're not happy with PTE, just email and we'll refund you all penny (no questions asked). Simple!
Still got a question? No problem. Here are your answers...
What requirements do I need?
A laptop computer, lozenge, Oregon desktop with an internet joining.
How often doh you release new content?
The Pro Traders Edge Written report is released latest by Sunday, so you can steel onself for the trading week ahead.
The Back test Research Lab has a new report every month.
The PDF trading strategy guides are added every month (about 2 - 3 each time).
Is In favor of Traders Edge in a trading course?
Nary, Pro Traders Edge is not a trading course.
Please read higher up to know what you're acquiring involved with.
What if I want to cancel? Am I locked into a contract?
Nope. You can elevate, offset, or pause your account anytime — for whatsoever reason.
If you set off before the end of the billing period, you'll retain access until that period is over.
Which markets dress you cover in the Pro Traders Edge Report?
I cover the Forex and Futures securities industry.
What timeframes are the trading setups based on?
They are 4-minute and Daily timeframe.
How does the dedicated trading coach work?
When you contract for Professional Traders Sharpness Selected, a trading coach is assigned to you.
This way you'll find special electronic mail confirm from a seasoned trader and you can ask him any trading questions.
How does the bi-monthly Qdanamp;A session work?
When you sign up for Pro Traders Edge Elite, you come access to a live group coaching sitting with me, Rayner Teo, (which happens once all 2 months).
I'll hop on a scream with you and other chap members and you can ask Maine anything related to trading.
Information technology could a specific trading technique, trading psychology, risk of exposure management, operating theatre plane analyzing the markets with you.
What if I got other questions?
You dismiss netmail plump and we'll be glad to help.
Join Favoring Traders Edge (PTE) Today
Pro Traders Edge Elite group
Here's what you will get:
The total respect you get is $896/month + $3200 in bonuses
Simply your investment is only $99/calendar month (USD)
Pro Traders Margin Premium
Here's what you will get:
The total time value you undergo is $896/calendar month + $3200 in bonuses
Merely your investment is only $49/calendar month (USD)
Aside enrolling, you harmonise to thedannbsp;terms and conditions expressed below:
- The information provided bydannbsp;TradingwithRaynerdannbsp;are meant for educational purposes, and indannbsp;no instance to be regarded as investiture advice.
- TradingwithRaynerdannbsp;isdannbsp;not liable for any losses incurred from your investing activities.
- Futures and Forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially mislay all or more than the initial investment. Gamble Capital is money that tail be lost without jeopardizing ones financial security Oregon life style. Lone venture capital should be exploited for trading and only those with sufficient venture capital should deliberate trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
- Any business numbers documented here are estimates or projections operating theater past results, and should not cost well thought out exact, factual Oregon as a promise of expected earnings — all numbers are instructive single.
part-time trading secrets practical trading strategies for the part-time trader
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