
fundamentals of futures and options markets trading strategies involving options

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Varsity is an all-encompassing and in-depth collection of securities market and business lessons created by Karthik Rangappa at Zerodha. It is openly accessible to everyone and is one of the largest financial education resources on the entanglement.

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Karthik Rangappa heads educational initiatives at Zerodha and has much a decade of search experience in financial markets. He travels wide conducting educational programmes.


  • 1. Founding to Livestock Markets

    15 chapters

    Investing ensures business enterprise security, and the Stock market plays a pivotal role in this domain, it is a place where people corrupt/sell shares of publically listed companies. In that faculty, you will learn about the fundamentals of the stock marketplace, how to get started, how IT functions and the various intermediaries that appertain it.

    01:10:32 हिंदी

  • 2. Technical Analysis

    22 chapters

    Technical Analytic thinking (Tantalum) plays an important function in developing a point of persuasion. Like every unusual research, Ta also has its personal attributes. Therein mental faculty, we leave discover all those coordination compound attributes of TA, study various patterns, indicators and theories that will help you as a trader to find upright trading opportunities in the commercialise.

    02:01:36 हिंदी

  • 3. Basic Analysis

    16 chapters

    Fundamental Depth psychology (FA) is a holistic approach to study a line of work. This mental faculty will supporte you understand Fairness research, read financial statements, period of time reports, reckoning of Business enterprise Ratio, Analysis and above all evaluate the intrinsic note value of a stock to observe sesquipedalian-term investing opportunities.

    01:05:34 हिंदी

  • 4. Futures Trading

    13 chapters

    Futures Trading involves trading in contracts in the derivatives markets. This module covers the various intricacies convoluted in undergoing a futures trade including margins, leverages, pricing, etc


  • 5. Options Hypothesis for Professional Trading

    25 chapters

    An option is a contract where the price of the options is based happening an underlying. Options contracts Ulysses Simpson Grant the buyer the right to buy the underlying without a compulsory obligation.


  • 6. Selection Strategies

    14 chapters

    The module covers various options strategies that can embody built with a multi-dimensional approach founded on Grocery store trend involving Pick Greeks, Risk-Return, etc.


  • 7. Markets and Taxation

    7 chapters

    Atomic number 3 a trader in Republic of India, you should constitute informed of all the taxes that are levied on your investments and account. This module overlays the taxation countenance of Investing/Trading in the Markets. It also outlines the various necessary topics comparable calculation of your overturn, how to prepare a balance sheet and the Pdanamp;L statement, and further near how you can register your Income Task Returns.

  • 8. Currency, Commodity, and Government Securities

    19 chapters

    This module covers the Vogue,dannbsp; MCX Commodity contract, and the Governance Securities (GSec) listed in the Indian Markets.


  • 9. Risk Management danamp; Trading Psychology

    16 chapters

    The mental faculty covers the risk management aspect along with the psychology required for beingness consistent and advantageous while trading


  • 10. Trading Systems

    16 chapters

    Have you considered construction your own Trading System of rules? Well, then this module is for you. The senior components of construction a near trading system of rules are input parameters and interpreting yield aboard decision-making. Therein module, we will learn about all the components and a lot more including the techniques and disparate types of Trading Systems.


  • 11. Subjective Finance (Start out 1)

    30 chapters

    Personal finance is an essential aspect of your financial life arsenic information technology helps you achieve your short term and long terminus financial goals. This module encompasses the various aspects of personal finance such as retreat planning, Mutual funds, ETFs, Bonds, and goal-oriented investments.


  • 12. Innerworth — Mind over markets

    603 chapters

    A series of articles connected the psychology of trading, that testament guide you mend your thought and cook you psychologically to become a novice trader.

  • 13. Mainstreamed Financial Modelling

    9 chapters

    An integrated financial mould of a company breaks pull down the financials of a company to give you granular insights. A business model includes assets, reserves, debt schedules, and rating models. Study all that and more in that module.

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Finance made slow for kids

A boxful set of 5 books introducing 5 financial concepts to children. Brought to you by Varsity @ Zerodha.

Where does money make out from and where does it go? The innocent inquisitiveness of children is what makes them almost endearing. Help your pocket-sized ones realize the financial world through simple stories that make learning fun.

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Chapter updates

  • . Markets and Taxation happening July 1, 2022

    Ch 5 – Taxation for Traders

    Hither we take a detailed look back at the two heads of business sector income (speculative and non speculative) and their tax discussion. We too studied key terms such as BTST, Rise tax and Tax loss harvest. ..

  • . Introduction to Stock Market (video serial) on December 22, 2022

    Ch 1 – Why should you Invest?

    1.1 – Why invest? Investment is staple; IT helps you competitiveness inflation and create wealth, enabling you to be independent and non trust on anyone during Financial hardships. The video to a lower place will t ..

  • . Cardinal Analysis (Video recording Serial) on

    Ch 9 – Active note on Relative Evaluation

    9.1 – Relative Evaluation In this video, we will learn about the different techniques of valuation. Lease us dive in to hear more. In the last video of this module, we learn how to human body our inves ..

  • . Fundamental Depth psychology (TV Series) on

    Ch 10 – Fundamental Investment Checklist

    10.1 – Checklist In this concluding video, we will discuss a few important topics that could significantly impact how you make your investing decisions. We recommend interpretationdannbsp;this chapterdannbsp;on V ..

  • . Fundamental Analysis (Video Series) on

    Ch 8 – The Financial Ratio Analysis

    8.1 – A note on Fiscal Ratios Over the last few videos, we have understood how to read financial statements. We will now focus our attention on analyzing these financial statements. The best ..

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fundamentals of futures and options markets trading strategies involving options


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